automatic transmission protectant

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automatic transmission protectant


        "Weiling"Automatic transmission protective agent, the U.S. nano-technology, nano-magnetic single-molecule latest environmentally friendly energy research, scientific tests by China Petroleum & Chemical identified as cutting-edge high-tech cleaning maintenance products. Activities within the surface of the metal in the gearbox to generate tough protective film to reduce friction loss of power; prevent transmission fluid to generate glial and sediment, to prevent the transmission fluid oxidation, protecting precision components from corrosion.
1 Automatic transmission is always guaranteed to run at the appropriate working environment, reduce the ATF (automatic transmission fluid) caused by skidding oil inappropriate
2. And protect the sealing O-ring, to prevent leakage, provide suitable stability
3 To keep the system clean and maintain smooth shifting, extending transmission life
4 Solution due to the automatic transmission is a precision gear, difficult maintenance and repair without opening .
When replacing the automatic transmission oil, a bottle of this product will all join in the gearbox.
The product should be stored in proper temperature housing or container, can not be stored in the hallway or patio. Can not open the package to store. Can not be stored together with food. When smoking is prohibited. Environmental Protection: This product is completely biodegradable, non-eco-toxicity.